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ISTC - International Science and Technology Center

  • Established in 1992

  • Inter-governmental non-proliferation organization

  • Headquartered in Astana, Kazakhstan with coverage in 100 Countries and extending reach worldwide

ISTC is an Intergovernmental Organization with a global geographical mandate, and its members include the EU, the US, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, and Tajikistan. The participation of the EU in the ISTC and its governing board is based on an International Agreement with a dual legal base, EURATOM and TEU/TFEU. ISTC benefits from a track record of complex regional project management in health, climate change environment,  security, bio-nuclear and chemical safety, risk management for critical infrastructures and resources, prevention, preparedness, and responses to natural and man-made disasters in the former CIS, the MENA and African countries.

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