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21 September 2023 - RHEA

On September 21, 2023, the PPRD Med Team convened a significant meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands. The purpose of this gathering was to engage with key representatives from RHEA, the University of Twente, and GSI (Geospatial Insight) in a collaborative effort to explore the latest developments in earth observation, and flood-related technologies, all with a specific focus on enhancing civil security measures.

During this meeting, participants had the chance to stay current with the cutting-edge advancements in these fields. The discussions delved into various aspects, including earth observation techniques, advanced IT solutions, and strategies to address flooding and flash flooding challenges. The overarching goal was to identify potential applications and solutions that could be harnessed for the benefit of countries in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean regions. This meeting served as a crucial platform for knowledge exchange and collaborative exploration to address pressing civil security and environmental concerns in these areas.


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The PPRD Med project is funded by the European Commission DG ECHO (Directorate General European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) and is implemented by ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) with the support of ESA/R3 Accelerator (European Space Agency). The R3 Accelerator/Civil Security from Space programme (CSS), aims to enhance the contribution of space solutions to support the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, for the substantial reduction of economic losses as well as losses in lives, livelihoods, and health due to climate-induced crises.    



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