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5-7 June 2023 - PPRD Med Kick-off meeting, Rome, Italy

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

The PPRD Med programme aims to increase the resilience to natural and man-made disasters in the Southern Neighbourhood countries and the Mediterranean region by reinforcing cooperation and partnerships between the European Union and Mediterranean countries under the umbrella of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). It provides strong support to the UfM in civil protection and disaster risk reduction management, given the increasing impact and scope of catastrophes across the Euro-Mediterranean region. The programme will involve countries like Algeria 🇩🇿, Egypt 🇪🇬, Israel 🇮🇱, Jordan 🇯🇴, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Libya 🇱🇾, Mauritania 🇲🇷, Morocco 🇲🇦, Palestine 🇵🇸 and Tunisia 🇹🇳.

The official launch of PPRD Med was made earlier this week by the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations of the European Commission (DG ECHO) in the framework of a series of events on climate crisis and civil protection hosted by the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation).


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The PPRD Med project is funded by the European Commission DG ECHO (Directorate General European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) and is implemented by ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) with the support of ESA/R3 Accelerator (European Space Agency). The R3 Accelerator/Civil Security from Space programme (CSS), aims to enhance the contribution of space solutions to support the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, for the substantial reduction of economic losses as well as losses in lives, livelihoods, and health due to climate-induced crises.    



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