A1 - Anchoring the UfM as regional cooperation platform
A2 - Strengthening operational assistance & response capacity
A3 - Fostering interregional cooperation initiative
A4 - Using advanced technologies for prevention, preparedness and response
A5 - Strengthening the interlinkages with all relevant actors
Inception phase (01-2023 - 12-2023)
Key experts validation and recruitment
Civil protection countries chain of command identification
Coordination with ongoing civil protection projects (EU and non-EU)
Technical Assumptions validation (tools, risks mapping, etc...)
Countries assessment bilateral meeting beta version
Coordination with UfM working groups (needs and demands)
Countries assessment bilateral meetings
Country profiles, needs and priorities
Logframe, work plan, indicators, timetable implementation version 1.0
1st Steering committee (17 October 2023)
Fourth UfM DGCP meetings (18-19 October 2023)
PPRD Med Roadmaps (31 December 2023)
Implementation phase (01-2024 - 01-2026)
Benchmark Analysis Best Practices
Workshops for specialists
Workshops with specialists
Tailored trainings
Guidelines (UCPM Access)
Risk Assessment Review
Joint Simulation Exercises
Roster of Experts Database
Mapping of skills
Regional Network
Civil Society Volunteers
Legal Framework